A02. Minimal Information Content
Read more: A02. Minimal Information ContentThere is not a whole lot to say about this chromatic scale. – There are 12 steps (of theoretically, but not practically, equal distance) – After 12 steps the scale repeats, with every step doubling in frequency (this is called an octave) Alternatively, this could also just be expressed as a string of consecutive numbers: […]
A01. The Chromatic Substrate
Read more: A01. The Chromatic SubstrateWe are using the 12 note chromatic scale as the basic substrate for our exploration of music theory and its possible parallels with the fabric of reality. Above the twelve steps with sound frequencies above each step (or “station”). The Chromatic Scale normally used in modern Western music has a pretty clear definition. “Our” chromatic […]
A. Only A Music Theory
Read more: A. Only A Music TheoryWhen I started playing guitar at age 14 or so, I was concentrating on the sheer awkwardness of getting to make my fingers hold down the right string in the right position. Only after the physical aspect got a little easier and more second nature, did music theory come in the mix. At first it […]
Rounding Errors
Read more: Rounding ErrorsFor as long as I can remember one of my most favorite pastimes has been thinking about god, the universe and everything. Half of the books I read deal with this subject one way or another (the other half is Science Fiction, which often deals with the very same topics). In the past few years […]
Semantics and the lowest common denominator
Read more: Semantics and the lowest common denominatorThis is how huge pyramids of fringe theories are built on hot air.
Who controls the 8th string?
Read more: Who controls the 8th string?A few years ago I started playing seven string guitar. It’s only an added B string below the low E. And while I am practicing quite a bit, composed several pieces for seven string classical guitar and adapted J. S. Bach’s 15 Two Part Inventions and all of the Well Tempered Clavier for the instrument, […]
The Cooking/Composing Analogy
Read more: The Cooking/Composing AnalogyThis is one of the many things which I only discovered a little later in my life. Over the past few weeks I have been reading through a book called “Cooking for Geeks” by Jeff Potter. Amongst many cool recipes and cooking related interviews it contains tons of scientific information about what is happening during […]
The medium makes the message
Read more: The medium makes the messageIf you read many of the posts on this blog you’ll notice that I have been a musician for most of the past 30 years or so. Specifically, a “Jazz Guitarist”. Many knowledgeable folks have tried to classify what “jazz” is or what qualifies a certain piece of music as “jazz”. I admit that I […]
Floyd – a strange detour
Read more: Floyd – a strange detourHow could I ever try to become a jazz guitar player? I tried, hard, for quite a while. But, unnoticed by me, at first, and in the last few years becoming more and more obvious, I drifted away from what I thought I had wanted to be. People blame the strangest reasons for picking up […]