And the pizza spoke to me

My kids like their pizza with cheese – nothing else. I, on the other hand, love veggies and last Sunday at the dinner table I randomly threw some garlic and a handful of broccoli sprouts on my slice. I was just about to take a bite when this face was staring at me!

“The Virgin Mary!”, I cried out to my two daughters’ despair, even though I am not religious and have no clue what she looks like. But I seemed to remember that images of the Virgin Mary like to appear on US food items. “Looks more like Jesus to me”, said my oldest although she claims to be non-religious and has no clue what Jesus looks like. Jasmin, my youngest, said it looked like one of her friends from school. I don’t know. After a second look it appeared more like an Al Capone with hair. The pockmarked face and all. Well, I’ll put it up on eBay and see how much it’s worth. People sell cheese sandwiches with much less expressive facial features……..