Read more: Sprachschwierigkeiten(in German) This comic is dedicated to my father, Adi Kienle, who passed away on the first day of 2014. He was quite an actor and could crack very funny jokes – especially in his mixture of american english and his home dialect of “schwäbisch” (leading to the entertaining hybrid called schwenglish, which we also use […]
Die Menschliche Alternative
Read more: Die Menschliche Alternative(in German) It’s surprising that even in 1980, when this strange pamphlet was created, I was very interested in energy savings and alternative ways to produce it. There is no story here, just some hot air. But I do remember an episode of Mythbusters where a fart was successfully set on fire. So it’s not […]
Der Schrumpelplanet
Read more: Der Schrumpelplanet(in German) This is a re-telling/re-imagining of the very first comic I made, The Shrinking Planet. Considering that this was made at the peak of my abilities shows clearly why a career as comic creator was out of the question. Although the basic story idea is not much worse than a lot of other material I was […]
The Shrinking Planet
Read more: The Shrinking Planet(in bad English) This was the first real story I tried to draw up as a comic. Before, my friend Klaus and I would draw short picture stories featuring a character looking a little like the animated inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther cartoons.